Sunday, April 7, 2013

Connecting portal 2 through Hamachi.

Hello guys! We have found a new way to Connect Portal 2 without the Steam application.
You can use the Hamachi application in order to Connect Portal 2 - Skidrow

If you are going to host the game:
1. Go to the main menu, and activate the developer console (Options)
2. Open the console (`) and type in map mp_coop_start, do NOT press enter.
3. Once your friend is connecting, then press enter (will be clarified later)
4. You should now be in the first level of coop with your friend.

If you are a friend that is being invited or you want to invite the friend:
1. Get the host's Hamachi IP. (This is the number of the IP in the Hamachi)
2.Go into Portal and repeat Step 1 of the Host section to activate the console.
3. Open the console (`) and type in "connect <host's ip here>"
4. Wait until you join

For Step 3 of the Host section, you leave the console open with "map mp_coop_start" in the console, then tell your friend to start connecting using the "connect <ip>" command in his console, once he starts connecting, the host then presses enter and you will both go into the first level of coop.

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