Sunday, December 8, 2013

Eidos believes that PC and console as a whole equaled

According to Eidos Montreal, with the release of PS4 and Xbox One difference between the consoles and PC markedly decreased. In a conversation with DSOGaming CTO Thief Norman Jean Bucci said that together with the new consoles and developers have new opportunities, and as a result, the process of creating games for the PC and console games has become quite similar.
"The new console is very powerful - he explained. - They provide more opportunities than usual for console gamers. The difference between PC and nekstgenom undoubtedly strongly reduced. And the new consoles, and high-end PC offer the best frame rate, better resolution and a lot of new features thanks to the support DX11 ».
«PC-version will include all the graphics capabilities of next-gen, as well as a number of improvements, including better anti-aliasing, shadow resolution and support for multiple monitors. Thief for PC will be one of the first games that support AMD's Mantle for high graphics performance "- said Bucci.
In Europe, the new Thief is due out February 28 on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.

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